Bumball and Kanjam at the Spring Games

The discovery of new sports games takes place during the spring games, organized by the community of communes Cœur de Berry during the holidays, for teenagers from 11 to 18 years old.

At the Méreau gymnasium on Tuesday, around fifteen young people discovered, in the morning, the kanjam, a flying disc to be thrown and two boxes in which the players deviate the disc, then a bit of badminton to warm up at the start of the afternoon, under the leadership of Yann Dess, sports educator.

The discovery of bumball, a collective game, which consists of catching a ball in a scratched area, on the chest or on the lower back, was also on the program.

Acrobatic tricks

Each teenager, equipped with a suitable jersey, was able to develop agility and anticipation. If the throwing is done by hand, it is forbidden to recover the ball other than with the chest and the lower back, which sometimes gave beautiful figures a little acrobatic.

2023-04-28 04:28:31
#Bumball #Kanjam #Spring #Games


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