Briton Amir Khan banned for two years for doping

Tested positive for ostarine in February 2022, the former lightweight world champion will not be able to return to a ring until April 2024.

British boxer Amir Khan has been banned from all sports for two years. He tested positive for the banned substance ostarine following his fight against Kell Brook in February 2022. The UK Anti-Doping Agency announced the news on Tuesday.

The 36-year-old former world lightweight champion announced his retirement in May following his loss to compatriot Brook on February 19, 2022. He will not be able to return to the ring until April 2024.

“Not intentional”

The UKAD website states that ostarine is a drug designed to have testosterone-like effects. It is on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited Substances List as an anabolic agent and is prohibited.

Khan, who had been concerned about the lack of doping controls prior to his fight against Brook, admitted he broke doping rules but said it was unintentional.

An independent tribunal accepted Khan’s argument and ruled out any ” deliberate or reckless driving in a written decision dated February 21, 2022, and imposed a two-year ban from all sports due to the ” strict liability ».

« Strict liability means that athletes are ultimately responsible for what they ingest and for the presence of any prohibited substance in a sample. said UKAD Chief Executive Jane Rumble.

Khan’s ban started on April 6, 2022 and will expire on April 5 next year.


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