brace from Verdi and goal from Dominguez-

Of Sports editorial team

Verona rekindled their hopes of salvation by beating Bologna 2-0 in anticipation of the 31st matchday and temporarily hooking up to fourth from last place Spezia

Il Verona turn hers back on hopes salvation beating 2-1 Bologna in anticipation of the 31st day and hooking Spezia to fourth from last place, engaged tomorrow at the home of desperate Sampdoria. The rossoblùs, on the other hand, remain 5 points behind the European zone.

Decides one Simone Verdi’s brace: in the first half, in a very balanced match, the Venetians in the first of what should have been 6′ of added time, manage to win a precious penalty – rather disputed – for a foul by Skorupski against Gaich. After the review at the Var, Verdi shows up on the spot and makes no mistake: 1-0 (seventh penalty out of seven scored in Serie A). You play until 13′ of added time.

In the second half, in the 62nd minute, he arrives doubling again with Verdi, thanks to a great header from Faraoni’s perfect cross in the area. For him there are four goals in this championship. In recovery (6′ again) Dominguez in lob he manages to beat Montipò on the way out, then Orsolini does not find the mirror after an exceptional response from the goalkeeper on Schouten’s cross-shot. For Bologna, however, it is too late.

April 21, 2023 (change April 21, 2023 | 22:53)

2023-04-21 20:52:38
#brace #Verdi #goal #Dominguez


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