Bergondo takes the sport to the streets next Saturday

The City Council of Bergondo organizes next Saturday, April 15, the ‘Día do Deporte na Rúa’, a day in which the residents will be able to experience first-hand about twenty disciplines and see live exhibitions of eight sports modalities.

The Albergue de Gandarío de Bergondo is the place where this new initiative will take place. At 12:00 pm the doors will open, with two hours of exhibitions of ‘kaia kenyu’, soccer, rhythmic gymnastics and tennis. In the afternoon, after the lunch break, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. it will be the turn for the cycling, rowing, athletics and water rescue demonstrations.

Beyond being able to follow these exhibitions, all those interested will be able to try to perform more than 15 sports disciplines. Throughout the day, there will be climbing to archery, going through tricycles, parkour and skateboarding, volleyball, tennis, badminton, minigolf, popular games, kayaks, rowing, ergometer rowing or beach soccer, in addition to other more curious and strangers such as florball, kin-ball or goalball.

The process to participate closes on Thursday, April 13 at 2:00 p.m. In order to guarantee a place in advance, it is necessary to fill in the form that appears at the following address: I Día do Deporte.

However, there is the possibility of registering on the same day of the activity in the space located for this purpose, covering the request for participation. As a fact to take into account, all minors under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult person responsible for the minor.


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