Basketball Bundesliga: Crazy score! Funny glitch on TV | Sports

Please what?!

Anyone who switched on the broadcast from Chemnitz against Ulm on “Magenta” in the third quarter of Friday rubbed their eyes in amazement.

What an awesome game This derby video is a must see for everyone

The score appears in the lower left corner – Chemnitz 62, Ulm 0, three minutes and 51 seconds before the end of the quarter. It has such a score in the Basketball Bundesliga never existed.

What’s behind it? A sensation? player strike? Nothing like that!

It’s just a funny glitch. “Magenta” has problems with the technology that displays the score over the course of the game. Commentator Jakob Lobach apologizes several times for this.

About the game: Chemnitz wins 92:86. You can tell that the team is the only team in the BBL that has neither hope for the playoffs nor fear of relegation. The 99ers play freely. And drive the first home win in exactly three months.

One in particular is in focus.

Did Gordon Herbert (64) see the BBL Friday night game? If so, then the national coach should have liked the performance of Chemnitz national player Nelson Weidemann (24/two international matches).

The Bayern loan made a perfect game in front of 3,602 spectators for a long time and only made its first mistake in the last quarter. In the end he has 16 points.

The best Chemnitz thrower is one that Gordon could also keep an eye on: Jonas Richter with 18 points.

Richter after the game at “Magenta”: “I can’t even remember the last time we celebrated a win here. It feels super good!”

The Ulm team (best thrower: Yago/20 points) is slowly losing hope of a home advantage in the Bundesliga playoffs.

Particularly bitter: It is the second bankruptcy within a few days. On Wednesday, the squad failed in the quarter-finals of the Euro Cup – 76:86 bankruptcy at Türk Telekom Ankara. The entire Thursday was spent on the return journey.

Ulm-Ösi Thomas Klepeisz: “We constantly had to fight our way back against Chemnitz, in the end we just didn’t have the courage. A good reaction to the end of the Euro Cup would have been a win today.

2023-04-21 19:12:01
#Basketball #Bundesliga #Crazy #score #Funny #glitch #Sports


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