Ancelotti throws down the gauntlet: “Tomorrow it’s our turn to win”

To come back, we have to repeat in Barcelona what we did today“, said Ancelotti after losing 0-1 in the first leg. A few words that kicked in the press conference before the return. The technician was serious, something more than usual. Perhaps aware that before the tidal wave of the last days on his future, half a life may be at stake in this game. If not more. Xavi is his Kryptonite (He has only beaten him in two of the seven matches) and when asked about it, he threw down the gauntlet: “Tomorrow it’s our turn”.

Press conference

How is the team?

“Good, motivated, with a lot of confidence. At the Camp Nou we are going to do well”.

Are Kroos and Modric still untouchable?

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to play. Modric was ‘uncountable’ against Valladolid and was a substitute. They can only play eleven and I also have to think about the resources to leave on the bench. Being a starter is not the most important thing, but being a protagonist”.

What do you think that González González, one of those who accompanied Enríquez Negreira to the Camp Nou, will be in the VAR?

“What a question… it’s better, for me, to leave it there. I only think about the game; cheat”.

Is this the most important Clásico you have ever played?

“A Clásico is always the most important game. It is a very big rivalry… and this allows us to play a final. It’s key”.

Ancelotti, today before the media.CHEMA DIAZDIARY AS

In the last three Clásicos he brought out the same players. Are you planning to innovate this time?

“Maybe. In recent games we have done well, but we don’t just look at the result. Neither when you win nor when you lose. The eleven? No matter who plays, the mentality doesn’t change: play a complete match”.

Could it happen that ‘physical’ players start out?

“If we talk about ‘energy’, intensity is important. It is key to manage the game well from behind, because an effective start gives you an advantage in transitions. But, for example, it will also be a game with a lot of pressure and the experience of the veterans seems important. There are many things to evaluate. I can’t get just ‘energetics’.

What do you think of the offensive contribution of the full-backs?

“The left wing is very busy with Vinicius, so we don’t ask for such a wide range there. But on the right, it depends. With Rodrygo the situation is similar, we do not require so many incorporations; but if Valverde plays, amplitude is needed. It depends on each situation.”

To come back, we have to repeat in Barcelona what we did today”, he said after losing 0-1 in the first leg. How are they going out tomorrow?

“The idea is not to go crazy to score. We need a goal and it can come in the 90′ ​​minute. You have to control the game well, as in the first leg… but with more success. That is the way”.

Will Carlo Ancelotti play half continuity, tomorrow, at the Camp Nou?

“I don’t talk about my future.”

Ancelotti, today before the media.CHEMA DIAZDIARY AS

How do you manage that there are players in the squad who don’t know if they will continue next season? Do you fear distractions?

“I see focused, psyched up players. The contracts do not affect: Nacho, Asensio, Ceballos… they end in the summer and they are having spectacular games. If a player wants to renew, that means that he likes and motivates the role he has ”.

Are you contemplating a change of scheme tomorrow (4-2-3-1)?


How is Rudiger? Is it key for Alaba to play central to get the ball out?

“Rüdiger is fine, ready. At the start… it is possible that Alaba fits more in this sense, but there are many factors to decide a starter. To give you an idea, for me the most important player at the start is the goalkeeper”.

Is it increasingly difficult to choose between Tchouameni and Camavinga?

“The difference between them is their energy, because they both have the same mentality: they want to play. Obviously they deserve to do it more than 11, about 14-15, but… that’s the thing. Tchouameni contributes more defensively, but Camavinga has enormous quality in small spaces and has made the most of this moment. It has been difficult for Aurélien to come back from the World Cup, but he is already at his best level ”.

How would you tell Kroos or Modric that they are not playing tomorrow?

“In no special way. If I have to talk to everyone I don’t get, I’m going to get tired. Anyone who wants to chat with me already knows where the door to my office is. These players understand the competition of the squad, the situation of each one… and my office is quite empty”.

Is Madrid a favourite?

“We have a disadvantage and we have to recover it. I don’t know who is the favourite, it is a match that will be determined by the small details”.

He has lost all three times against Xavi this season…

“It is very difficult to have individual confrontations between coaches. Tomorrow it’s our turn to win.”

How can you surprise Barcelona?

“In small details. It is difficult for a team to change the system when you have been working with it for a year. It’s not advisable; you can only surprise yourself.”


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