Alpine skiing: ÖSV relies on the tried and tested

Berthold, from 2017 to May 2020 in the men’s junior division, will support Klaus Mayrhofer in the World Cup group of technicians. Huber, most recently employed by the Russian Ski Association, is to help Christoph Alster in the speed area (WC Speed ​​​​W). David Fill (WC Speed ​​O) and Karlheinz Pichler (WC3) are the other coaches. The number of training groups was increased from three to four.

“It’s important to me to train with the women again in smaller groups, which will consist of an average of six runners in the future. In addition, thanks to the good results in the European Cup speed competitions, we have gained additional starting places, which is sometimes the reason for working in two groups of six,” says Assinger, who succeeded Thomas Trinker as the women’s head coach.

GEPA/Daniel Goetzhaber

Alexander Berthold joins the technicians as a new coach

“Necessary Balance”

“The composition has been chosen based on geography and since there will be medal winners and World Cup winners in each team, that will provide the necessary balance,” Assinger continued. “Technical training is planned in small groups, the speed units are held together, so we can offer optimal conditions.”

Herbert Mandl said he was satisfied with the new structures. “After last season, there was a need for action for the women, and as a first step we split the speed group again. It was also important to reorganize the technical team, and we were able to win Alexander Berthold for the team, who will take care of a total of six runners alongside the new group coach Klaus Mayrhofer,” said the Alpine sports director.

A replacement for men

There was hardly any change in the men’s coaching team. The names of the training groups are different. Sepp Brunner is in charge of group WC1, Werner Franz is responsible for team WC2, Martin Kroisleitner for group WC3 and Michael Pircher for team WC4. The European Cup groups (EC3 and EC technology) are led by Christian Perner and Christoph Ehrenecker. The former technical trainer for women, Hannes Zöchling, will become a youth group trainer (men).

Marko Pfeifer

GEPA/Mathias Mandl

Men’s head coach Marko Pfeifer relies on his old coaching team

“I stuck to the group coaches. The reason for the new designations is that we don’t want to make a strict distinction between speed and technique,” explains the men’s head coach Marko Pfeifer. “There are all-rounders in every team. Especially in the WC2 and WC4 groups, we want to bring young athletes to the top of the world by training together with the best. In the European Cup and junior sections, the groups are getting smaller to improve the quality.”

Alpine director Mandl said: “On the men’s side, the group and trainer structure worked very well last season and does not require any major changes. In the technical area, some young athletes from the European Cup move up to the World Cup group and thus have the opportunity to train with the established and to develop optimally. All in all, we are very well positioned.”


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