Alcaraz, the magnet of Generation Z

is to appear Carlos Alcaraz for the Real Club Tenis de Barcelona and the public stirs. A phenomenon similar to that Rafa Nadal generated, but with nuances. The brilliance awakened by the 19-year-old world number two attracts mainly the youngest, who every day when the tennis player appears in the access area to the training court, entertain him, ask for autographs and selfies. When the decibels rise, Alcaraz approaches.

“Seeing so many people excited by my presence or the children waiting so long for a signature, is something incredible, I try to take it very naturally, but it’s something magical,” said the Murcian after his victory against Nuno Borges. Today they will face Roberto Bautista.

Carlos Alcaraz, after the first match against Borges.Europa Press SportsGetty

The Alcaraz phenomenon can be explained from many angles, and not just from victories. “He has charisma, like Nadal”, emphasizes Xavier Pujol, CEO of the Conde de Godó, who in this edition has proposed that the tournament be rejuvenated. Multiple measures have been taken to achieve this (the creation of the Ground Passthe digitization of the tournament, the promotion of social networks and immediate statistics, the range of offers such as raffles, concerts and other types of activities), but there is none as effective as Alcaraz, the true magnet of Generation Zwhich everyone wants to see and immortalize.

Active on social networks, with his Instagram and Tik Tok channels (yesterday he shared time with Alex Rock, the first athlete with 76% disability cerebral palsy in finish and marathon), but with the necessary balance so that they do not become a “danger”, as their coach, Juan Carlos Ferrero, has always defined it. The tennis player is the image of a new way of understanding tennis, as explained by Pujol, whose objective is to attract the youngest.

“The average age was 60 years, we want the youngest to become fond of tennis and turn this sport into something more dynamic.” For this very reason, Pujol believes that tournaments are obliged to go digital and make the game more interactive. Measures in the shadow of Alcaraz, a claim in itself.

2023-04-20 02:36:24
#Alcaraz #magnet #Generation


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