After a touching choreo for a hamburger: Towers collect dramatically high clap

Ulm player Bruno Caboclo can only be stopped with a foul by Linus Hoffmann and Seth Hinrichs.
Linus Hoffmann (left) and Seth Hinrichs can only stop Bruno Caboclo (centre) with a foul. Photo: image/Nordphoto

78:112! The Veolia Towers Hamburg suffered their second-heaviest defeat in this Bundesliga season, which was so disappointing for them, at ratiopharm Ulm. At hardly any phase were the weakened Hamburgers on an equal footing with the hosts, who increased their chances of participating in the playoffs and also amazed an ex-Ulmer, to whom a choreo of home fans had been dedicated before the game started. “Pulling it through like that” is not a matter of course in view of such a lead, said Christoph Philipps.

23:26, 37:58, 61:84 – and finally 78:112, the bare numbers alone show how no chance the Hamburgers had in the southwest. With her feared opponent. Ulm had won all six previous duels. In addition, the short-term absence of Anthony Polite weakened the Towers. The Swiss injured his foot during training on Friday. On Tuesday, an MRI should provide information about whether the 25-year-old is threatened with a longer absence.

BBL: Towers lose against Ulm with 78:112

Before the game, coach Barloschky made it clear in an interview with “MagentaSport” that the intention was to actively stop the Ulm offensive game. In a difficult early phase, his team did not succeed in this plan, Ulm started the game with a 10-0 run. The Towers worked their way up, Ryan Taylor caught up with three successful throws in a row.

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But the lower rotation due to the injury situation made itself felt. Ulm’s dominance continued, at half-time the team had a two-way quota of 100 percent (11/11). On the other hand, the run of the Towers at the beginning of the third quarter couldn’t do anything: The 10:2 run by the Hamburg team was followed by a 9:0 answer by the Ulm team.

Ulms Caboclo offensively and defensively decisive

With his 19 points, the Towers’ top scorer, Ryan Taylor, was not able to counter the scoring output from Ulm sufficiently. Fedor Zugig (25 points), Bruno Caboclo (21 points) and Lago Mateus dos Santos (20 points) drove Ulm into an offensive frenzy. At the same time, Caboclo showed defensive presence and ensured that the Towers could hardly play their own game.

Only eight of 45 attempts by the Towers are in it

With his speech shortly before the end, Baloschky tried to relieve the team of the burden of the result: “It’s not about the score, it’s about playing good basketball. Hides the score.” But they couldn’t really save the catastrophic two-way quota – a total of only eight of the 45 attempts ended up in the basket. There were also individual mistakes, which Ulm consistently punished (12 steals). And so in the end the second-highest defeat of the season was certain. Only three weeks ago the Towers lost even higher (58:94 in Oldenburg).

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From his point of view, the welcome choreo by the Ulm fans for home-grown Philipps remained one of the few highlights of Easter Sunday: “The gesture from the fans touched me,” said Philipps after the game on “MagentaSport”. But now the following applies: “Check off the game,” added the 24-year-old. It’s time to clear your mind by Tuesday, then the Eurocup playoff game against BC Prometey (6 p.m.) is coming up.


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