After a draw against Hoffenheim: Tuchel after Bayern Munich’s 1-1: “That was bad”

Status: 04/16/2023 08:41 a.m

FC Bayern Munich’s appearance against TSG Hoffenheim, threatened with relegation, left a lot to be desired. Not only the players were helpless after the 1:1 on the pitch. The trainer Thomas-Tuchel was also pretty served.

“I thought we were prepared, would play with anger in our stomachs. That wasn’t the case, that was bad,” said FC Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel after the 1-1 draw against Hoffenheim.

Tuchel: “Too little, too flawed, too…” and without fire

“Too slow, too emotionless, not dogged enough”, “too little pace of play, too little change of pace, too faulty, too little energy, little trust”, with such enumerations Tuchel answered the reporters’ questions as to how he would have seen the game. We actually wanted to “ignite the fire, inspire confidence – we didn’t succeed in all of that,” the coach lamented. Instead of growing up after the Champions League defeat against Hoffenheim, it is now “a big step backwards”. You have to “get over it” now.

After a turbulent week, FC Bayern Munich missed the liberation in the Bundesliga against 1899 Hoffenheim.

Bad pass orgy in hibernation instead of Bayern power

He actually felt an upswing in training. Thomas Müller sees it that way too. But the positive trend was completely lost against TSG. “There was a phase in the first half when we played six or seven bad passes within 60 seconds,” is how Tuchel describes the biggest shortcoming.

“We were very sleepy today,” said Captain Müller, describing the style of play, which reminds him of a kind of hibernation. If Bayern still scored the winning goal in the closing stages, everyone would now be talking about “Bayern power or killer instinct”. But this was not so. And not even a last-minute hit could have made the coach forgiving.

Tuchel: “I owe almost everything”

Even if Bayern Munich had won through the chances in the last few minutes, “the way” Bayern played “wouldn’t have been enough for him today,” explained Tuchel. Instead, the team “were guilty of almost everything “.

BVB can’t pass, Tuchel doesn’t care

Only because Borussia Dortmund conceded the equalizer to make it 3-3 at VfB Stuttgart in injury time did the Munich team keep their two-point lead over BVB in the table. But even that could not comfort Tuchel. What happens in the other places doesn’t interest him, said the coach. Instead, he is certain: “We have enough of our own construction sites, have enough to clarify”.


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