A lot fits together in women’s football: Queen football

A lot fits together in women’s football: Queen football

In women’s football, a lot fits together right now, unlike the DFB men, who still have the shock of the first half hour against Belgium in their jerseys.

The women on the other hand – oh, là, là! In the Bundesliga there is also a duel for the championship, in the Champions League for the first time all quarter-finals were played in large stadiums, where otherwise only the men kick, the DFB team sticks to the rainbow tie – out of conviction, not by order! – loyal for as long as FIFA allows.

And then King Charles III. from England the women’s football more or less in the nobility. The German and English women, as friendly opponents in the final of the 2022 European Championships, had “advertised in an impressive way for gender equality,” praised the King in the Bundestag.

The great days are rounded off by the current survey by the auditors PwC among executives. Accordingly, the greatest growth opportunities lie in women’s sport – and even the Bundesliga clubs of men’s football could benefit from this. The times for women are – dare I say it? – rosy.


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