4 years after his departure, KD’s scathing punchline on the Warriors!

While his transfers have often caused a lot of ink to flow, Kevin Durant has always remained relatively laconic on this subject. However, he has just come back to his departure from Golden State for Brooklyn… and released a big update!

When Kevin Durant left the Bay of San Francisco to join Brooklyn, many followers criticized this choice. Many fans have often agreed that he could not win a league title as a team franchise player. An opinion that tends to be confirmed, since the Slim Reaper has so far won no ring away from Golden State.

His coming to Brooklyn is similar to one of the biggest fiascos of the last twenty seasons. By teaming up with Kyrie Irving and then James Harden, the star winger could aim for the stars, and no doubt thought he was about to establish a new dynasty. However, following the events that we know, his collaboration with the Nets turned into a nightmare. What he does not seem to regret beyond measure.

Kevin Durant’s punchline on leaving Golden State

During a recent interview with journalist Melissa Rohlin from FOX Sports, Durant returned to his departure from the Warriors, which at the time surprised many observers. Despite the turn taken by his time in Brooklyn, the 2014 MVP paradoxically expressed a categorical opinion on his decision to leave California at the end of the 2018-19 season:

I have absolutely no regrets about what I have decided. I don’t regret any of my moments in the league, because I feel like I’m maximizing all my minutes as a player. I feel like I do everything to bring out the best in myself every time I step on the floor.

Regardless of the results, whether there are wins or losses, it is part of the contract. I will never say that anything I have done is a failure. I could lose 82 games in a season, as long as I come to work and everything I do there is done with conviction and strength, then I can take the loss and live with it.

KD therefore seems to have digested the setback suffered on the Brooklyn side, thanks to his hard work. Always with passion, the winger who has accumulated 27 points per game since the start of his career does not regret any of his decisions, even if they very often prove to be controversial. Promising as possible, his adventure with the Suns could however allow him to silence some of his detractors.

Kevin Durant accepts defeat, of course, but we must also admit that he meets her little. This season, the Phoenix player has lost only 13 games when he was on the floor. To regret nothing therefore seems to allow the ex-Warrior to move forward, while remaining focused on his objectives…


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