Wuppertal school column: sporty carnival instead of stop dance

Diary from elementary school
Wuppertal school column: Sporty carnival instead of stop dance

Teacher Christina Oeler writes about the lack of internet and illness ping-pong at the day school.

“OnnKne rwi iwrklcih muasmnze neatzn dnu ihtgric Sßap habe“n,? ganfer hcmi eid rcüleSh edr a4. I h–usn meet us iirtgch tis onorCa hnoc ihtnc from nde Kfn.pöe iWr ieernf mzu etsern Mla ieewdr vnarKa.el roV imr tesehn lenkie ,enznnrÄti tReitr und nomninrdäpfeJ-uK.e eSi awrnte on down r,tcssatshuS ienlhdc bwteerhunc .dü rWi aehbn ivel tazPl in ereunsr ulnahrTle, chi easg “J„!.a

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uchA eid leEntr am ebDönrg idsn onesdbrs:e cürhaNlit itbg es achu leive grnoSe dnu ,nesgÄt acuh bie sun dwir lma .tztegom Aebr hci aebh ttze,j umz sretne Mal in inmree üebr hegnhnräizej uula,hnrBbffeas eein MnDlesaakiko emenFi mai- ovel. asDs students dei tAeibr dre riLehrne zä,esnhtc sdas sie orhf d,nsi sads chi dei Klssae nünmremobe ebah udn das hauc ti iln–eemt ads rspitsea einme eLehrr thnci o…tf

aiithCsnr elOer its tsie 2090 Lirrheen an red lghTseseuac önerbg.D Sie tha there ihr adaReefnreitr mgtheac ndu ncetrhttueri osolhw ni edr Gndu-r als hacu ni dre uHt-pa und esuRlca thereLn and Wue.palrtp


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