Why sport needs an integrity agency

Dhat was still missing in German sport: an independent institution that prosecutes and punishes violations of morals and decency. She won’t bring more medals, that’s for sure. It will probably bring more bureaucracy. After all, not only associations should commit to comprehensive integrity, but also the almost 90,000 sports clubs in Germany – including changes to the statutes. That will take years and decades.

Why do clubs and associations still need an institution that keeps an eye on them and sometimes knocks? Because they too often do not manage to deal with the people, organisations, games and competitions entrusted to them with integrity. In international sport, professionals and presidents exemplify greed, corruption and contempt for human beings. On their own doorstep, athletes experience that reports are not taken seriously, incidents are ignored and co-determination rights are restricted.

integrity of individuals

Fifteen months ago, Athleten Deutschland eV, the driving force behind this renewal of German sport, stated that the autonomy of sport blocks opportunities to take action and leads to system failure. Responsibilities remain unclear and responsibility is pushed back and forth. The powerlessness of those affected causes constant damage and causes frustration.

What works well, on the other hand, is often due to the integrity of individuals. This is another argument that structures to protect integrity are urgently needed. The analysis that is now pending will presumably confirm this. The statutory condition that state support is only granted if minimum standards in matters of integrity and human rights are met is overdue.

The tight-lipped reaction of the German Olympic Sports Confederation suggests that it is aiming for a division of labor like that of the Center for Safe Sport. His attitude is to do what he can. If politicians want more, they should be happy to tackle it – and pay for it.


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