War is not a soccer game

The war, especially that in Ukraine which currently dominates the news, is sometimes perceived and commented on by some people with lightness as if it were a sporting competition…

This is likely due to a multitude of factors, such as political prejudice or bias, desensitization to the horrors of war, or ignorance of the complexity and magnitude of its consequences…

Also, treating war as one would a sports competition may reflect a competitive and militaristic mentality where conflicts are seen as opportunities to demonstrate the superiority or strength of a nation or group.

This can lead to a glorification of war and a minimization of its human consequences, which can make conflict more difficult to resolve and prevent.

destruction and death

Armed conflicts are tragic and devastating events that have real consequences on people’s lives.

In particular, they result in massive loss of human life, destruction of property and infrastructure, forced displacement of populations and long-term trauma for those affected, as well as for future generations…

These conflicts also have economic, political and environmental consequences that can last for decades.

And unfortunately, some people are insensitive to these aspects and seem more preoccupied with the “warrior” factor of conflicts.

We then pour into cheerful comments on “doctrines”, strategies, tactics, ammunition, howitzers, tanks, planes and other war equipment, forgetting the essential: the human.

War should never be glorified or trivialized, no matter what the stakes.

A human approach

The language elements we use to talk about conflict are important because they can influence the way we perceive and understand events.

By using terms like “battle,” “victory,” or “defeat,” we risk trivializing or normalizing violence and minimizing the human tragedy that results.

It would certainly be good to hear more often talk and debate about peace… To remember that armed conflicts are avoidable.

It would be good to treat armed conflicts with seriousness and empathy and to recognize the suffering of the populations affected.

It would also be good not to show collective blindness in the face of threats of war and to promote a deeper understanding of conflicts, including the underlying causes and their long-term consequences.

Without forgetting to favor any honest and respectful dialogue, any recognition of the dignity and rights of all the parties involved, as well as the search for lasting and equitable solutions that take into account the interests and needs of the belligerents.


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