Vasilijevs takes 13th place in the world championship in figure skating

This performance allowed Vasiliev to collect 160.78 points in the optional program. The Latvian figure skater received 76.83 points for technical elements and 83.95 points for program components.

Vasilijevs ranked 13th in the optional program, taking the same place with 243.15 points in the sum of two programs.

The best result in the elective program was achieved by another student of coach Lambiel, the host Shoma Uno from Japan, who collected 196.51 points and was crowned world champion for the second year in a row, accumulating 301.14 points.

The second place in optional skating with 196.39 points was taken by South Korean Junhwan Cha, who with 296.03 points surpassed US figure skater Ilya Malinin also in the sum of two skates.

The third place was taken by Malinins, who was third in the optional program with 188.06 points, but accumulated 288.44 points in total.

In the short program, the Latvian figure skater took 11th place with 82.37 points.

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