UFC 285 – After the big defeat of Gane, Ragnar Le Breton cash: “I found that…”

Member of the MMA Factory, Ragnar Le Breton counts Ciryl Gane among his good friends. His stinging setback suffered during UFC 285 therefore caused him the greatest pain, in the same way as a phenomenon that he was able to observe following this fight.

Without being able to officially launch his career as an MMA fighter, he saw that of Ciryl Gane take a regrettable turn. His fight against Daniel Lentie canceled at the last moment, Ragnar Le Breton was therefore able to offer all his support to his friend from the MMA Factory. The latter, dryly defeated by Jon Jones at UFC 285, actually needed it, and not just because of the defeat.

Ragnar Le Breton revolted against Ciryl Gane

Inevitably disappointed to have missed the opportunity to seize the UFC heavyweight belt, Gane had to deal with the fallout of this failure on social networks. Internet users were indeed not tender towards him, as Ragnar could see. Recent guest on the CLIQUE set (interview can be found here), the actor protested against this outpouring of hatred:

I found it unbearable and unworthy of a country, frankly. We are talking about a French athlete, and I have the impression that we French people sometimes rejoice in the misfortune of our athletes. It hurt my heart to see that. It remains our French representative, he has accomplished great things. He messed up once, so what? That doesn’t make him a motherfucker or a bad person. Failure is human.

There, everyone was relentless, everyone went there with his little word, while the guy saw something that hurt his heart. Because the first concerned, the one who suffers, it is him. He’s a friend, so I found it unbearable.

Close to Bon Gamin, RLB had undoubtedly been able to attest to his distress following this lost title-fight, which the relentlessness towards him on the web only increased.

But even more than the simple lambda fans who are a little too virulent towards Ciryl, Ragnar resents the people who would play a double game with him:

I even called people who allowed themselves to criticize him when they were invited to ARES. Big ass lickers. I’m not going to quote blases, but people who came in VIP to make stories, and who as soon as they saw Ciryl were all honeyed.

As soon as they were on the Internet, they sent big spikes. So when I saw them, I said to them, “You are big shits”. Because even if you don’t like humans, even if you don’t like sports, still respect the fact that the guy goes into a cage to bang himself, while you aren’t capable of doing it. Stop talking about things you can’t do. Shut up.

Witness to the flood of reproaches suffered by Ciryl Gane after her defeat at UFC 285, Ragnar Le Breton rails against these reactions which should not be. Unfortunately, not sure that his cry from the heart is enough to change mentalities!


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