Trade basketball for baseball! Fernando Romay helps Monica to get 11,500 euros

Mónica has managed to reach the grand finale of ‘The Circle of Famous’: she is risking everything or nothing to get the 11,500 euros from the pot accumulated and that will have the help of Fernando Romay.

The selected category has been sport, a topic that seems to be tailor-made for the former basketball player, who was happy even before knowing the question in question. Contestant and guest had to hit How many bases does a baseball field have? Despite seeming very convinced of his answer, Romay confessed to Mónica that “he had nothing certain, not even my last name.”

However, the contestant decides to listen to the athlete and opt for number four… and the game is over! The set lights up in a golden color, thus giving Monica the victory and making Fernando Romay the best hitter. A final worthy of champions!


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