They want the CDMX Marathon to be cultural heritage

They want the CDMX Marathon to be cultural heritage

▲ Javier Hidalgo (center), with athletes and sponsors during the presentation of the 40th edition of the Mexico City Marathon.Indeporte Photo

April of the River

Newspaper La Jornada
Wednesday March 8, 2023, p. a10

The Mexico City Marathon will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year with the central objectives of maintaining the Gold Label, an international classification that is awarded for the quality of organization and a quota of elite competitors, but above all, increasing the number of well-trained participants. prepared to reach the finish line covering the entire distance of 42,195 kilometers.

Javier Hidalgo, director of the Sports Institute of Mexico City, presented the platform of the capital marathon, which on August 27, starting in Insurgentes at the height of the UNAM Rectory, and finishing in the Zócalo of the capital, expects a maximum participation 30,000 runners, of which it is estimated that around 20,000 will finish; that is, 5 thousand more than the previous edition of 2022.

We want it to be the best ever. We are looking for its incorporation as a Cultural Heritage of Mexico Cityexpressed Javier Hidalgo when launching the platform that also includes the Half Marathon, which will take place on July 16.

Thanks to all the sponsors who have believed in us, especially in these difficult times, such as the most difficult days of the pandemic.highlighted Hidalgo during the presentation of the races at the new Chapultepec Environmental Culture Center.

The graphic line that will distinguish the marathon stages and t-shirts this year is inspired by the textiles of the huipiles of the Mayan culture of Chiapas.

We are on long tablecloths. The tour turns 40 and we are going to celebrate in a big way, just as the most important sporting event in Mexico City deserveshe highlighted, and maintained that in that period the capital race has evolved in every way, to the point of being one of the most important marathons in the world, and the number one in Latin America.

He stressed that this 2023 will be the true return of the marathon, where both regular runners and the new generations are expected. He announced that so far, at least 8,000 people have registered, so it is expected that the participation limit will be exhausted long before the competition begins.

The president of the Mexican Federation of Athletics Associations, Antonio Lozano, delivered the corresponding endorsement for the competition, which seeks to remain classified among the first levels endorsed by the International Association of Distance Racing and the international federation called World Athletics.


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