The surprising praise of Julián Álvarez’s English teacher who was all the rage in the networks

Sara Duque’s post congratulating Julián Álvarez (@saralduque)

Since his arrival at Manchester City mid 2022 Julian Alvarez he had to deepen his learning of English and in the last hours he met his teacher, Sarah Duke, who highlighted his student’s progress on and off the pitch. The teacher usually works with soccer players, she is a polyglot, as she describes on her official site, and she also offers tools so that her students can deal with the media.

Being in the elite of European football requires demanding physical preparation, a daily diet, but also mastering languages, in this case English. In a recent post, Duque praised The spider for your learning.

“From lifting the World Cup to conquering a new language. The talent of my student has no limits”, he started with his post. “impressive progress in such a short period of time. Very proud of my student!”

Since 2019 Sara has been working in the world of football (@saralduque)

The publication had almost 10,000 “likes” and 400 comments, including correspondence from La Araña who, with his humility and low profile, limited himself to writing “Thank you very much” in English. There was no shortage of praise for the 23-year-old striker.

Sara is used to working with soccer players, as she shows on said social network, and on her website she tells the story of how she went from being a young international law professional to managing herself in the world of sports. “Despite all these academic and professional achievements, I didn’t feel like I was living my IKIGAI, my life purpose,” she says.

She is Portuguese and having trained and worked since she was 17 in other countries, she managed to incorporate five languages ​​such as English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. She lives in Manchester and her account of Linkedin reports that her master’s degree in Sports Psychology and Coaching allowed her to work at Porto in 2019 as a language teacher and this opened the doors for her in the world of football.

Champions League (@saralduque)" height="1000" width="800" class="" src="" srcset=" 420w, 768w, 992w, 1200w" data-amp-auto-lightbox-disable="true" data-hero="true" layout="responsive" data-recalc-dims="1"/>
The teacher witnessing Liverpool’s defeat against Real Madrid in the Champions League (@saralduque)

Pandemic in between in December 2020 began working at various Premier League clubs, especially with players who came to England. On his Instagram account, in which he has 17,000 followers, he shows photos with his classes with several students and in his last post he highlighted how Álvarez grew up with English.

While Julián continues with his meteoric career and in a year and a half he went from being the forward figure of River Plate to earning a place in the Argentine team and the millionaire transfer to Manchester City a year ago. He arrived at the English cast in the second half of 2022 and in his first season he has 10 goals in 31 games (and three assists). The Ciudadanos team is second in the Premier League with 55 points, 2 behind leader Arsenal. While in the Champions League on Tuesday, March 14, they will play at home in the second leg for the round of 16 against Red Bull Leipzig. In the first leg they equalized 1-1 in Germany.

As for the National Team, he received the confidence of the coach Lionel Scaloni and he started from the second game of the Qatar 2022 World Cup in which he scored four goals and was key in obtaining the title.

Keep reading:

From how they made Messi angry after van Gaal’s criticism to why it is the best Argentine team in history: Rodrigo De Paul, without a filter
Rodrigo De Paul revealed the moments of fury that Scaloni and Messi had in Qatar
Lionel Scaloni spoke with Infobae in Paris about the future of the Argentine team: “If a player is 17 years old and is very good, he will be there”


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