The Beachcomber Adventure in the footsteps of Koh Lanta

The Beachcomber Adventure is getting tough. After a first individual event won by Lou and an installation at the Shandrani, the host Denis Brogniart orchestrated the evening creation of the two teams of six participants. The decor had been chosen with fidelity for this sequence which took place on the wild beach of the hotel decorated with many torches, a fire on the sand without forgetting the essential totem of immunity, here in the shape of a sea turtle, one of the symbols of the Mauritian hotel group.

And a big surprise: the participation of two former candidates from Koh Lanta, the TF1 reality TV game. Ugo, winner in 2012 in Malaysia and author of a memorable comeback in the edition La Légende in 2021, was thus named captain of the yellow team while Bastien, winner of the 2022 edition, took the lead of the reds . Very friendly and approachable. Everyone will take part in the events with the travel agents, above all providing them with motivation and advice on how to win. The rest of the evening was an opportunity to discuss their memories and anecdotes of their participation in the game show. Especially for fans of Koh Lanta like Christophe, unbeatable on the adventures that marked the last decade of the game.

A test in the bullseye

The next day it was by speed boat that the adventurers reached the islet of flamingos, a sandbank close to the coral reef, with the majestic panorama of Mauritius in the background. In this heavenly setting, the classic archery test took place, the best of each shot having the benefit of eliminating a member of the opposing team. In fact, the event was overflown by the reds, methodically decimating the yellows.

Start of the kayak race from Shandrani beach. © Stephane Jaladis

Sole survivor, Floriane was opposed to Bruce, decidedly very lively, who unlike the day before won the competition. On the way back, a swim in the turquoise waters along Île aux Bénitiers was a well-deserved reward for both teams.

Kayak race in the lagoon

But the rest was short-lived, the second test of the morning awaiting the competitors in the verdant bay of the Shandrani hotel. Consisting of a kayak regatta, Denis Brogniart revealed the rules of this race taking place around three buoys, providing good advice to the two teams off camera. The test was fast, “the grand slam” as the host qualified it being carried out by the yellow team, Aminata and Eddy both from Kuoni, in the lead. Mathilde and Bruce were then the first to reach the shore with the reds. This unchallenged victory for the yellow team led by Ugo relaunched the Beachcomber Aventure competition. Good news for this second day which still promises to be full of surprises, with participants having to pack their bags tightly for an amazing night to come under the stars.


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