splendid away victory for Blue Ponente Basket in Savona – Sanremonews.it

Fortitudo Savona-Blue Ponente Basket 60-61 (16-13, 21-18, 15-18, 8-12)
The strength of SV
: Da Corte S. 21, Terracciano M. 11, Amedeo A. 9, Ghiga (cap.) M. 7, Alessi A. 6, Scotti L. 6, De Marzi M., Isamjlisufaj A., Pesce L., Raffa S., Erba U. ne – All.: Ghiga M.
BPB: Lo Piccolo A. 28, Olivari R. 22, Petroncari A. 8, Boretti J. 2, Genovese A. 1, Andreini (cap.) L., Appendino L., Garibbo T., Degl’Innocenti A. ne, Ognibene F. ne, Pirosu M. ne – All.: Archimede E.
Referees: Kulyk A., Merlino R.

Away on the field of one of the first two of the class, which expresses a choral and effective basketball, the weight of confirming the string of victories of the second round is felt.

There is tension in the Blues, and it can be seen from the shooting percentages, with only one triple and unusual two-pointers and free throws: the usual 80/85 points at the end of the scoresheet are missing at least 20, not due to failure to build shots but for manufacturing precision. However, the Dianese are good at compensating with character and defense, never allowing the Savonese to stretch and keeping the game in substantial balance.

Fortitudo starts strong and closes at half-time above 6, after having also been ahead by double figures. The guests’ difficulties with the basket lead to some hasty play in an attempt to get into the game, and this does not help recovery. Back on the field, we focus on defense, the hosts feel the pressure increase and start making more mistakes. The percentages of the Blues do not improve but the game is orderly and continuous and at the end of the third quarter they recover 3 lengths.

In the last quarter rotations finished and tired teams, but the Blues bring out that extra bit of character and we arrive at a point-by-point final. 2 out of 3 free throws with 35″ to go put the guests ahead by one, the subsequent strong pressure on defense generates a non-finalized recovery at 20″. The reset at 24″ allows Fortitudo, after the throw-in, to keep the ball until the end, but the attempt by the Savonese goes out on the iron, the rebound belongs to the Blues and the clock goes to 0. Thus ends a game between two teams they were totally equal on the pitch.


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