Sharin Judo, Federico Cerullo and Simone Minuto win in Arenzano and fly to the national finals

Savona. On Sunday 5 April the qualifications for the finals of the Italian A2 judo championships, cadet category, took place in Arenzano. The best Ligurian judokas lined up at the event, ready to compete for the pass for the national finals that will take place in Taranto at the end of the month.

At the end of the day, Sharin Judo conquers 2 qualifications in the 81 kg and 60 kg category with two excellent first places by Federico Cerullo and Simone Minuto which add up to that of Davide Crevani, already qualified by right. The two athletes from Savona defeated the competition by demonstrating top-level form. Two other excellent performances were those of Mattia Trombone in the 66 kg and Alessio Ferraro in the 50 kg, who despite reaching the podium (2nd and 3rd place) failed to qualify for the final round.

Satisfied the president Igor Piperis: “We are ready to do well even in the national finals, the group is solid and we are sure that it will be able to give us great satisfaction in the coming years”, he declares.

In the afternoon it was then the turn of the little samurai who in the youth categories (boys and children), performed excellently by bringing an explosive and high quality judo onto the mat. These are the Sharin Judo athletes in the competition: Filippo Tanda, Matteo Schul, Mattia Zunino, Niccoló Vincenti, Michele Ottavini, Adele Baglietto, Matteo Palma, Lorenzo Scheul, Diego Novaku, Leonardo Appicella, Lorenza Caviglia, Davide Soteri and Diana Pena Meja.

In short, a 2023 that is off to a great start for Sharin Judo which is a Savonese sports force, ready to compete at the highest national levels.


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