Seichamps. La promotion du badminton

Each class level of the Georges-de-La-Tour school is involved in a sports course throughout the year. For the CM1s of Isabelle Reff, Thierry Louis and Mélany Marchand, a badminton cycle was offered. In connection with the director Florence Bruyère and the teachers, Hubert Poisson, the president of the Badminton-Club of Seichamps-Saulxures, has therefore drawn up an educational project with, as speaker, Julien Emporte, a sports educator specializing in badminton.

Seven sessions were set up at the Martinchamps gymnasium from January to March with sporting objectives: to organize oneself tactically by identifying situations, to produce trajectories and varied shuttlecock speeds but also social objectives (respecting partners, opponents , the referee, accepting the result of the match and being able to comment on it, behaving in a group according to rules, codes, which are respected and enforced).

Play kits for school children

The Grand Est badminton league has provided this action with the benefit of the ScolaBad scheme, which aims to publicize the activity and strengthen the bridge between the school and the clubs with the payment of educational costs of up to €200 and a kit of 20 rackets for the club and as many rackets as well as 8 tubes of shuttlecocks for the school.

“The ambition is also to recruit new players for our club”, emphasize Hubert Poisson and Julien Emporte.

Very dynamic, the badminton club has 102 members, including 55 young people aged 7 to 17. Julien Emporte supervises young people on Mondays and Thursdays in Seichamps and Yves Chardard supervises teenagers and adults on Mondays in Saulxures.


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