Sale of Banamex continues advancing; is in the diligence phase: Treasury – El Sol de México

Mérida, Yucatán.- The Banamex sale processthe retail business of Citigroupgo on going forward and it’s already in one due diligence phase and examination of accountingassured Rogelio Ramírez de la O, head of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

“They are already in a due diligence processwhere are they examining accountingrotation of accountsand you are trading on margin, that is, if you are accounts they have to be deducted from the price (…) we don’t know that, because we don’t want to know it,” the official explained in Press conference.

It may interest you: Sale of Banamex was the best for everyone: Manuel Romo

In accordance with Ramirez of the Olos sellers and buyers from the bank are not there either “necessarily interested” in which the information about the negotiations are made public.

In this sense, he added that the SHCP has only required transaction basics like what is the source of resources or that the future owner has the capacity to carry the operations of an institution such as Banamex.

Furthermore, he reiterated that there is the desire by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in what Banamex be acquired by mexicans and that cultural heritage of the bank does not leave the country.

“It’s a sales process in which the authority is reasonably fine informed by seller’s part, which in this case is Citi. We know of the potential buyers that you know, but we do not ask for more reports because we don’t want to know except what corresponds to us as authority“, expressed Ramirez of the O.

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He head of the SHCP added that the dependence also follow the process closely to facilitate the regulatory aspects that are necessary, since the intention is that the transaction be “quickly done so that there are no issues of instability“.


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