Rutte looks back on VI broadcast: “One comment went too far for me”

Mark Rutte sat at the table at Today Inside last Monday. A total of more than 1.5 million people watched and the Prime Minister was satisfied with the course of the episode afterwards.

Knoester: ‘Rutte non-criminal psychopath’

Although one of Rutte’s comments went too far: lawyer Job Knoester called him ‘a non-criminal psychopath, because he lets the suffering of, for example, the people in Groningen slip away so easily’. In good morning Netherlands Rutte responds: “That really went too far for me. I have also indicated that. And there was strong criticism, but they gave me a chance to tell my story back. And they knew that, because that’s how they are.”

“I found it exciting. I was handing out flyers on Saturday and Sunday and then a lot of people were like, ‘Good luck with the men, eh.’ So it was really alive, yes.” His strategy? Pretend there are no cameras around. “As if it were a birthday table, then you forget the cameras. Almost all the time, yes.”

Rutte at the table at VI again?

Rutte noticed a big difference with talk shows like Op1 in a woman. “Then you have the chance to think calmly. Now I just went full in.” He did not want to be photographed with the motorcycle helmet with dildo. “Otherwise they will also see those photos in Paris and Berlin,” Rutte concludes with a laugh. He has already indicated that he would like to return to the table at VI.

FC Volendam

Fortune Sittard

Opportunities are subject to change. Last updated March 17, 2023 9:33 AM.

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