“Pudzian” again reacts to Szpilka’s taunts. “Ajtujku” [WIDEO]

On Wednesday, March 8, the KSW federation officially announced that in a few months at the XTB KSW Colosseum gala, Mariusz Pudzianowski will enter the cage with Artur Szpilka. The authorities of the organization withheld the final announcement of the fight for quite a long time, but after the media scuffles of both players, the fans guessed that the duel would take place on June 3.

See the video
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Pudzianowski “found” at the National Stadium

The second edition of KSW Colosseum will take place on Saturday, June 3 at the PGE National Stadium. It was there that Artur pin a few days ago “looked for” Mariusz Pudzianowski, shouting “Mariusz! Mariusz!”. The commentary on the ironic video of the 33-year-old even appeared on the official profile of the federation. – It seems that Artur is looking for someone named Mariusz at the National Stadium – we read.

The former strongman immediately responded to this form of provocation. Pudzianowski added a humorous video in his social media, where Szpilka is seen with a bottle with a dummy. We wrote more about the first answer of “Pudzian” HERE.

It seems that one response to Szpilka’s taunts was not enough. This time, Mariusz Pudzianowski decided to refer to the “search” of the boxer from Wieliczka. From the center of the National Stadium, “Pudzian” turned to the 33-year-old, saying: – Ajtujku, I’m here. Ajtujku, here I am. The end!

The video appeared on the Tik Tok profile of one of the founders of the KSW federation, Maciej Kawulski. In the description of the film, the head of the organization placed a meaningful entry. – At least I found Mariusz at this stadium – wrote Kawulski.


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