Praise to Gareca, Vélez’s commitment and the desire to be protagonists

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

The Uruguayan defender Diego Godín, who returned to the title against Central Córdoba last Tuesday in the 4-0 victory, had praiseworthy words for Ricardo Gareca, the new coach of the institution after the departure of Alexander Medina.

“It was a round game,” Pharaoh began by saying on the club’s official website: “At another time, our luck had changed a bit. The team dominated, they were the protagonists trying to control the game and when they had that withdraw and defend also did it ”.

When talking about Gareca, he was clear when he said: “for the Tiger this is his home. He gives us peace of mind, confidence; he asks us to be protagonists, that Vélez has to go out to all the fields to be and seek to win. When there is an important communion with people, you notice an energy that is transmitted. We always try to give everything on the pitch; sometimes things work out. When we are all together and we all push together, it is easier”.

“Vélez has a registered trademark and is a very good youth academy, youngsters who continually come out and are very good players”, mentioned the defender and captain of the Uruguayan team in Qatar: “today we have a squad full of young boys. We have to accompany them, help them and have them help us.”

“We push them, we talk to them and they put their heart, their lungs because they are the ones with the leg, they are the ones who have to run. This is how things are coming out influencing ”, he explained.

Thinking about what’s to come, Godín expressed: “Our mind since we started the year, both with the Cacique and now with Ricardo, is to be protagonists. We think about each game because we can’t allow ourselves to think beyond the situation we were in, that we couldn’t string together victories”.

“Vélez wants to be the protagonist. He wants to be at the top of the table and for that we are preparing and we try to play every game to win ”, he closed.

The Fortín team is currently tenth in the standings with 12 units, six behind River Plate, which is the one that commands the positions.

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy


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