Paris vs London: a loss without stake

Paris lost 85-96 to Carpentier for the last day of Eurocup against London. A duel of capitals which will not have disappointed in highlights despite the disappointing result. Paris still remains qualified for the Playoffs and will soon know its first opponent.

A tied first half

The Parisians started the first half quite badly with defensive oversights. Aamir Simms, one of Carpentier’s new darlings, came to put an end to the offensive scarcity by chaining two nice and-ones followed by a step-back three-point shot! Between these beautiful actions, Juhann Begarin heated his rods with a big dunk on a collective, classic action. Tyrone Wallace even takes care of returning a shot at the buzzer of the first quarter to reduce the gap to 10 points. 19-29 at the end of the first ten minutes.

The Londoners continued to pull out all the stops in the second quarter with skillful 3-point shots and dunks, until the Parisians reminded them that it was their game! As halftime seemed to come, Will Weaver’s men started a nice run to come back tied 49 to 49. Tyrone Wallace chained a cooking session from the defender for two points then chained a three-point stepback. The effort is punctuated by a huge and-one from Juhann Begarin. The Parisians have every reason to believe in a better second half.

A second half for the Titis

The Parisians start their third quarter with panache: a gargantuan alley-oop from Tyrone Wallace for Ismael Kamagate behind! An audience on fire and an arch in ashes. Juhann Begarin also activates the Begatrain after returning from the locker room and provokes a lot of things. Faults, counter-attack baskets alone, layups, power, finesse… Begzzz in form: 18 points, 6 rebounds and 21 evaluation for him. Tyrone Wallace also continues the long distance work and in the paint to finish with 22 points, 6 assists and 32 of evaluation. London accelerates again to complete the third quarter 66-74.

And who continues in the fourth quarter? Tyrone Wallace and Juhann Begarin (we have already talked about it a little): baskets with the fault, 3 points… The Parisian titis were clearly in the game with Mohamed Diawara, Kevan Moreno and Maël Hamon-Crespon. Ismael continues the work at the end of the match and ends this match with 13 points, 11 rebounds and 27 evaluation: thank you anyway Isma. The Londoners continue to unfold their game and the match ends 85-96.

A fifth place in the Playoffs already assured, a qualification for London: a match with no real stakes for the Parisians. The coach had also decided to give playing time to the young people and to rest the executives in anticipation of the match against Portel in the league.


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