One hundred students in law school

Over 100 students at the school of legality. “If you have a problem, talk about it, this is the network you have to do, the one in real life. And remember that at 14 you are culpable”. To say it is Roberto Cammarelle, former boxer, gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Games, who, with former athlete Luca Poeta, judo bronze in the 2012 World Cup, both from the Fiamme oro sports group of the state police, spoke of the ethics of sport and the culture of legality to an audience of about 120 students of the Istituto comprensivo Spoleto 2. The occasion was the meeting “Culture and legality”, promoted by the Siap (Italian union of police members) Perugia, in collaboration with the Spoleto Lions club and the Association of women jurists Italy (Adgi) section of Perugia and Florence, which took place on Wednesday 1st March at Villa Redenta, in Spoleto. Objective: to make young people more aware of the actions they carry out every day, even unknowingly, through the improper use of their cell phones. The initiative was attended, among others, by the commissioner Giuseppe Bellassai, who, in greeting the students accompanied by the head teacher Mario Lucidi and by the teachers, reiterated the importance of these initiatives: “It is a moment of reflection on the risk you run daily in communicating through social networks”. And the mayor, Andrea Sisti, recalled: “We are in a digital age, but the principles that regulate our coexistence are immutable. This is why it is necessary to know our Constitution”.


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