Olympic Games 2024: at D-500, Paris is on schedule but still needs to make progress on mobility and safety

We are on March 14, 2023. The Paris Olympics will open on July 26, i.e. in exactly 500 days. 500 days is a lot and a little at the same time.

And like every edition of the Olympics, the marathon of an organization which usually spans 7 years is turning into a final sprint.

With, as always, a race against the clock so that the facilities that will host the events are ready on time. And from this point of view, the organizing committee is not panicking. Almost 90% of the stadiums and competition venues will in principle be delivered by the end of the year.

The challenge for the organizers, shaken by the recent controversy over the exorbitant cost of places, is today to find solutions to ensure safety and mobility. Security linked in particular to the opening ceremony, traditionally organized in a stadium and which will take place this time, in an itinerant way, on the Seine and which will be attended by more than half a million people.

Lastly, mobility for the hundreds of thousands of spectators who will have to travel by public transport in one of the most congested cities in the world and whose mobility plan designed with the Games in mind is far from doing even today, the unanimity.


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