Nordic combined, Oslo 2023 World Cup. Annika Sieff to finish on the podium in the general classification – OA Sport

The Women’s World Cup Of Nordic combined comes to its own epilogue. Unlike their male counterparts, the girls will not be playing in Finland at the end of March. So the curtain on the third edition of the maximum pink circuit will fall in the upcoming weekend a Oslo.

It should be noted that, in the Norwegian capital, there will be a curious dynamic. There is only one race on the programme, which, unlike custom, will however be disputed on two different days. In fact, the jumping segment is scheduled at 6.15 pm Thursdaywhile the background one at 13.30 of Saturday! The situation was generated by organizational needs and television schedules. Better that way, rather than sacrificing the event on the altar of more popular disciplines.

Con With Westvold Hansen already sure winner of the Crystal Ball and, indeed, in search of perfect season (10 victories in 10 races), in Italy there is great interest around the performance of Annika Sieffwhich currently occupies the third position in general classification.

Women’s Nordic Combined World Cup 2022 standings: Annika Sieff third with one race to go, Gyda Westvold Hansen dominating

The gap from the German Nathalie Armbruster is 59 lengths, the advantage over the Norwegian Ida Maria Hagen and about the Austrian Lisa Hirner is, respectively, of 39 e 47 points. In other words, there is the concrete possibility of seeing the Italian teenager finish on the podium of the overall World Cup ranking, a fact that would represent a result of absolute prestige both for the athlete and for the entire tricloric Nordic disciplines sector.

There is no precedent on the trampoline and snow by Oslo. Until now, all top-level competitions staged in Norway have been held in Lillehammer. The 2023 therefore becomes a historic year for theHolmenkollen ski festivalsince it establishes the full entry of the Women’s Nordic Combined in an event born in the distant past 1892.


Mercoledì 8 : Provisional Competition Round
Friday 9, 9.45 am: SALTO HS100 Segment
Saturday 11, 1.30 pm: FONDO Gundersen segment 5 km

Photo: La Presse


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