Negreira Case | Another dart from Thebes to Laporta: “The excuse of victimhood…”

Negreira Case |  Another dart from Thebes to Laporta: “The excuse of victimhood…”

Act. a las 15:09


Javier Tebas always returns a dart. He has setbacks to bore. AND he always enters the rag when they put a microphone on him. The president of the League has participated in the act of renewing the agreement between the entity he chairs and the Spanish badminton player Carolina Marín. And, as is logical, the media have asked him about the Negreira case and about Joan Laporta.

“FC Barcelona took out a note when everything came out saying that they all did it. Now we are in that Thebes is the author, the victimhood. There we see what is there. The initial excuse has already seen that it has not worked, the monster is getting biggerAnd, bigger, bigger, he still doesn’t give explanations and now it’s Thebes’ fault,” he commented.

Regarding the actions of the League regarding when the case of payment to the former vice president of the CTA was unleashed, Tebas has commented that “Since the matter came up, we already said that we were going to present ourselves as a private prosecution. We went further, if the Prosecutor’s Office did not accuse, we were going to do it ourselves. Therefore, what could happen from the first minute is being fulfilled. The Federation has also stated that it would be there. I hope and think it should be there.”


“It’s all very sad. That’s what needs to be investigated. We have to think that there is a team, but also a vice president who belonged to the CTA. It is necessary to investigate the influences, if they existed, if they are direct or indirect… It is evident that there has been a very irregular issue, susceptible to investigation from the field of sports corruption, because I already said it, only the intention of trying to buy a match or change a result or act thinking that you could change the opinion of the referees or influence their appointment is a crime. It has to be investigated”, added the highest representative of the domestic competition.


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