NBA: LeBron James makes an announcement, the Lakers can shake

Engaged in the race for the playoffs, the Lakers must do without LeBron James, injured since February 26. While his return is hoped for the Angelinos’ final three or four games, the King recently said he was doing everything to get back as soon as possible, but no date has been set yet.

THE Lakers obtained an important victory against the Phoenix Suns, on the night of Wednesday to Thursday (122-111). 10th in the Western Conference, the teammates of LeBron James are engaged in a crazy race to qualify for the playoffs, or at least to take part in the play-in. If they can count on the emergence of the young Austin Reaves, author of 25 points against the SunsTHE Lakers must on the other hand always do without LeBron James.

LeBron James back soon?

Injured in the foot since February 26, the King was originally due to be out for only three weeks. According to information from The Athletic et ESPN, LeBron James should be restored for the last week of the regular season, which will end on April 9. He could therefore take part in the last three to four games of the Lakerswhich promise to be decisive since they will be opposed in particular to the Jazzto Clippers and to Suns.

“I have not yet set a date for my return”

However, LeBron James cast a chill over his return. Indeed, in a message published on Twitterthe 38-year-old confirmed he was in the recovery phase, but also added that no date had been set for his return: There was no evaluation today and I have not yet set a date for my return. I’m just working around the clock, everyday (3 times a day) to give myself the best chance of coming back strong whenever possible.. » It remains to be seen whether the Lakers will not suffer from this prolonged absence of LeBron James. They have only nine games left to at least ensure their qualification for the play-in.


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