NBA games will take place an hour earlier until March 27!

Every year it’s the same, the game of time changes in France and the United States means that twice during the season, the matches take place an hour earlier in France.

Good news for night owls, good news for early risers, bad news for those who don’t care about the time change, surely those who don’t understand either why it’s the right hand that’s raises in the mirror when they raise the left, or those who struggle with the concept of a leap year.

The only important thing to note here? It is that until March 27 you will therefore have the opportunity to watch some big shocks at more decent hours. Count on evenings that will start at 0 a.m. rather than 1 a.m., that counts, the same for the weekend with two Saturdays and two Sundays which will offer you prime time matches and which will give you a real good reason not to watch the last boiling pot of Kev Adams or Kad Merad.

The night shift has the smile from ear to ear. The month of March is historically poor in intensity because the NBA franchises are preparing more for the final sprint? Good, we’re going to do the same and preheat until April 9, and early please!


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