Nadal joins the Los Angeles Lakers tribute to Gasol

Rafael Nadal He is one of the greatest legends, not only in tennis, but in the history of world sports. Spanish has one of the most authoritative voices to speak on these issues and, in this case, he took the opportunity to praise Pau Gasol.

Gasol (retired in 2021) is considered the best Spanish basketball player of all time. he won a world (in Japan 2006) and has three olympic medals (silver in Beijing 2008 and London 2012; Bronze in Rio de Janeiro 2016) with your selection. He spent 18 years in the NBA and got two championship rings with los angeles lakers. Due to his great career, this team will pay homage to him by removing his number 16 jersey.

Nadal took advantage of this historic moment to praise his great friend: “Pau is one of the great historical references of Spanish sport. For his titles, both with the national team and with the Lakers. He is a pioneer in achieving things that have never been achieved before in basketball, where the Americans have always dominated.”

In addition, the winner of 22 Grand Slam titles highlighted what the basketball player represents: “It is a good example of all the values ​​that must be attributed to an athlete to be successful. An example of how things are done, of respecting others, of treating everyone well”.

Finally, he did not want to stop congratulating him on the event that he will experience in the early morning of March 8: “For the Lakers to retire Pau’s jersey is incredible. It is the most emblematic team in the NBA and that it belongs to a Spanish player requires much more recognition. It is to be very proud of what he has achieved ”.


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