Mbappé – Zidane: He still gets involved in the PSG transfer window

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Mbappé – Zidane: He still gets involved in the PSG transfer window

Published on March 27, 2023 at 04:15

While the PSG season has been marked by many failures, especially in the Champions League, this could well be fatal to Christophe Galtier. Nothing has been decided yet, but the Zinedine Zidane track is mentioned to replace him on the Parisian bench. And to achieve its goals with Zizou, Qatar can count on an ally: Nicolas Sarkozy, who had already gotten involved in the Kylian Mbappé file.

Who will be the coach of the PSG next season? This is the question that has arisen for a few weeks and the elimination in the Champions League. Christophe Galtier seems to be on an ejection seat and after just one season he could be thankful. To replace him, different names are circulating, including that of Zinedine Zidane, announced as one of Qatar’s priorities since last summer already.

Sarkozy takes care of the Zidane dossier…

Today without a club, Zinedine Zidane looking for a new challenge. Will he rebound on the bench of the PSG ? It would move behind the scenes, in particular on the initiative of a certain Nicolas Sarkozy. Former President of the Republic and close to the Qataris, he would maneuver to try to bring Zidane To Paris. In any case, this was revealed The Sports Gazette this Sunday.

… after the Mbappé soap opera!

It wouldn’t be the first time that Nicolas Sarkozy would help the PSG for an XXL file. Indeed, before Zinedine Zidanethe former President of the Republic had already given a hand for the extension of Kylian Mbappe. To see if the outcome will be the same for Zidane while Bondy’s star had ended up signing a new contract with the PSG…


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