Massive blow for LeBron and the Lakers before the playoffs!

All the hopes of the Lakers this season rest on the return of LeBron James from injury… With the King at 100% and rookies very comfortable since their arrival, Los Angeles could dream of The approach playoffs. Unfortunately, a terrible update could put an end to the ambitions of the fans.

The Lakers are on a mission to return to the playoffs this season, and after a disastrous start to the year, the Purple and Gold are firmly established in the race for qualification. In fact, the only thing keeping watchers and fans from getting totally fired up and talking about the title is the lack of LeBron James since a few weeks.

LeBron James still far from a comeback!

The good news is that the King seems to be feeling better and is starting to find his way back to the courts to take some shots and feel some feel. Finally, “good news” in appearance, since according to the information gathered by Brian Windhorst ofESPNthe number 6 of the Lakers would still be far from a return, contrary to what he suggests on social networks:

From what I’m told, LeBron James is still far from a return to the field. I know everyone talks about three weeks out from the start, but it’s pretty obvious that in fact he had to be reassessed by the doctors after that time. That didn’t mean he was coming back after only three weeks away.

When the first reports fell on the King’s injury, Lakers fans were rather optimistic since the announced three weeks allowed him to return before the end of the regular season, and to find sensations for a possible play-in. But according to Brian Windhorst, the situation would not be as good as hoped, since LeBron would still be far from a return!

Of the ten games to play between now and the playoffs, the Lakers may have to snatch their qualification without the help of the King, and with a Anthony Davis still limited following his numerous injuries. The recruits may bring a lot to the game, will they be up to taking on such responsibilities? In any case, fans are likely to have a bad weekend after this update.

So this is where I wake up?

LeBron James has been making it clear to fans for some time that he feels good and a comeback is imminent, but according to Brian Windhorst, not everything would be so simple. The King will first be reassessed by the staff, and he is likely to miss a few more days after this date.


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