Marta Bassino, sister-in-law Sara Fina died: she was 30 years old. The ski champion returns to Italy

The Piedmontese champion Marta Bassinogold in SuperG at the recent World Cup, she was forced to re-enter Italia: in fact, his sister-in-law died at the age of 30 Sarah Fine, wife of Matteo Bassino, older brother of the skier. Sara Fina leaves besides her husband too two kids aged 7 and 2.

It was her brother who found the lifeless young woman in the bedroom of the house in Via Boves, in Borgo San Dalmazzo, in the province of Wedgearound 7am, after going out during the night to take care of the snow clearing, one of its main activities besides breeding. It is speculated that the young woman was struck by a heart attack withering. The intervention of the 118 medical team was useless.

“In my name and that of the municipal administration, I offer the most condolences. We are close to her husband, her little children, councilor Bassino, our champion Marta and the whole family. She is a tragedy terriblethe whole community gathers around the pain of this family “, the words of the mayor of Borgo, Roberta Robbionereported by Courier. “Piedmontese skiing loses another protagonist on the track and a woman who had known embody the values ​​of sport at their best”, the comment also by the president of the Fisi Western Alps Committee, Pietro Blenginiand the president of the Provincial Committee Fisi Cuneo, Paolo Giordano.

Sara Fina, originally from Cartignano, in the Maira Valley, had distinguished herself in her political commitment, holding the position of adviser municipaland had been one fundraiser in youth. Since she was a girl she had helped her parents in the family business of breeding friesian cows dairy. Following the meeting with Matteo Bassino and the passion for it sci that united them. The date of the funeral is still to be established: it is certain that Martha Bassino will not take part in the ski world cup races scheduled for the weekend a Kvitfjellin Norway.


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