Ligue 1 – PSG: Imbroglio around Lionel Messi, who stopped his training on Tuesday

But why the hell did Lionel Messi leave PSG training last Tuesday? For one question, several versions. First, according to RMC Sport, the seven-time Ballon d’Or has indeed stopped its session at Camp des Loges. It is then that the points of view diverge. According to some sources cited by the media, Messi would not have been satisfied with an exercise proposed by Christophe Galtier.

The forwards had errands to run and the proposed workshop involved defensive duties which would have irritated the Argentine“, indicates the site, confirming a version circulated a little earlier on social networks. Despite the desire of his coach to retain him, the Argentinian would have left the Camp des Loges in stride.

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However, the capital club strongly denied this reason, instead speaking of an adductor injury. Either the reason why Messi remained in care the next day. In the player’s entourage, the veracity of the information is also disputed. “Fake News! How long will you continue to lie? Where is the evidence ?? Ah so everything is wrong… OK!!! (…) We will no longer tolerate more lies to gain followers“, wrote his father Jorge on Instagram, in response to this version but also to the rumors of a possible departure.

Present at a press conference this Friday, Christophe Galtier acknowledged that “that Leo, the sports management and the president exchange a lot“. “I don’t know the ins and outs of the discussion. Whether Leo should be there next season, I’ve already said it: it’s everyone’s will“, added the Parisian technician, wishing in particular that Messi”continue“his adventure in Paris.

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