“Karma will catch up with them”: a frankness displayed vis-à-vis Wembanyama

Less than a month from the end of the regular season, the tanking race is becoming more and more precise in the ranks of the NBA. A team is now fully part of it, but could regret a recent action directly linked… to Victor Wembanyama!

For most of the 30 NBA franchises, ambition is still high at this time of year. Many of them can indeed still hope to take part in the playoffs, and why not make a heroic journey to the title. On the other hand, the others give little interest to the rest of the season, except that of losing as many matches as possible to dream of the 1st pick… and of Victor Wembanyama.

A viral fresco by Victor Wembanyama is debated

Organized on May 16, the Draft 2023 Lottery will allow several teams to consider their season as successful or not. The worst ranked hope to be in the Top 3, and even more to inherit first place, which would allow them to get their hands on Wembanyama. Among them is San Antonio, which recently saw a local artist portray the French top prospect in a Spurs jersey:

A rather successful mural from a visual and aesthetic point of view, and that Fort Alamo fans wish premonitory. Some experts believe that Wemby camp would be thrilled with this destination for the young tricolor interior. However, by imagining him already wearing the colors of the franchise, wouldn’t the graffiti artist have taken a big risk? In any case, this is what some Internet users fear:

It’s going to be really awkward when Scoot (Henderson) drives past…

Karma will catch up with them after doing this…

Well placed in the fight to obtain the 1st pick, and by extension Victor Wembanyama, the Spurs will be able to blame this artist if they do not see this scenario being accomplished. The latter can always resume his work by adding another face!


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