Jim Boeheim, the coach who called journalists idiots, retires

All life linked to the same team. A historical fidelity. Sixty years attached to the Syracuse University basketball team, in USA. Jim Boeheim He arrived as a player at the age of eighteen (1963-1966), then he was assistant coach (1969-1976), and as the first he has been there for 47 seasons, ending at the age of 78 (1976-2023).

Despite having won only one title in his career, the university league of 2003has only left Syracuse to circumstantially abandon his pavilion when he was expelledIf it happened outside the home, he even had to leave escorted by the police.

“You are an idiot, a disloyal person”

With the press never got along, no one was surprised by the way he addressed a journalist like this: “Only you can ask that question, you’re idiota disloyal person, and I could tell you more things, but I won’t.”

At another time, after an interview with one of his players about how he was, he harshly attacked the players again. media: “You are not a journalist, you are an idiot, a real idiot”. Yeah, that was his favorite word when it came to comments he didn’t agree with.

“It’s the last time I talk to you, I’m so happy”

on some occasion even smashed a microphone during a press conference, simply because he was engaging. And when it was time to leave, in her last words she returned to her old ways with the journalists: “This is the last time I talk to you, how good, I’m so happy”. So it was and so was the withdrawal of Jim Boeheim as basketball coachA whole character.


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