Javier Marta, called up for the Nations Senior Cup with Spain

New achievement achieved by the Teruel badminton player Javier Marta, who has been summoned by the Spanish team for the Nations Senior Cup, which will be held in the Netherlands from June 1 to 4. The player from Club Badminton Teruel will thus have the opportunity to play the most important continental team championship in the senior category, which is held every two years among the nine best national teams of the moment.

deserved recognition

The great results obtained by Javier Marta in the last two seasons have been rewarded in the form of a call-up with the national team. The man from Teruel will be the number three player of the Spanish team in the +40 category after being champion of Spain in doubles and individual national runner-up last year. In addition, the runner-up in Spain in doubles or the victory in doubles in the National Masters in Vitoria are some of the results that confirm the good moment of Marta, who acknowledged that she was “very happy” with the call to the national team. “It’s the first time I’ve gone to a team championship of this type, so it’s very exciting. We go as a team, coordinated and we only play doubles, so you no longer depend on yourself, but you play for the team”.

The most important appointment
In this way, the man from Teruel finds himself before a unique opportunity in his sporting career, since the presence of Spain in an event of this magnitude is not usually common either. On this occasion, the team achieved a place for the Nations Senior Cup for its results in the European Championship played in 2022 in Slovenia.
In what from now on is already the most important event of the season for Javier Marta, the man from Teruel and the rest of the Spanish team will face off against the best European players: “We are going to compete with the great powers of European badminton” .
Before traveling to Haarlem, Marta will play various national tournaments. In two weeks, he and several members of the Teruel Badminton Club will play a competition in Alfajarín. However, the Nations Senior Cup is already “the objective of the season”, along with the Spanish Championship, which will take place in October. “The intention is to arrive at the peak of form for this competition,” confessed the player from Teruel.
In the same category as Javier Marta will also be David Hernández, Michael Alcover and Pablo Picazo, who was the executioner of the man from Teruel in the last Spanish Championship played in Gijón.
The Spanish call will be completed with another 48 athletes of all categories between +40 and +65.


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