Javier García ended his relationship with Guillermina Valdés: why he doesn’t want to call her again

The Boca Juniors goalkeeper finally decided to tell his version of events. The situation with the businesswoman reached a breaking point and he didn’t think he could move on. (Photo: Instagram / guillevaldes1, javigarcia871)

Just two weeks ago it came out that Guillermina Valdes y Javier Garciathe goalkeeper of Boca Juniors, they started a relationship. The link had been exposed after photos of a date they had in a restaurant located in the Caballito gastronomic center were leaked. However, everything indicates that the affair came to an end.

This Tuesday, the journalist Ángel de Brito commented on LAM (America) what the romance came to an end. It was the footballer himself who confirmed the situation to the notary Ale Castelo, and the reason he gave was that he felt overwhelmed by the media uproar. “I had 500 relationships, in 501 with a celebrity, they caught me, all this happened to me with the cameras. I didn’t call Guille anymore”the footballer would have told the chronicler.

Also read: Coti Romero said that he received messages from Javi García, Boca goalkeeper and Guillermina Valdés’ supposed boyfriend

This episode took place precisely in the days that Candelaria Tinelli exposed that her bond with Guillermina was never the closest because he considered that he was not doing good to his father, Marcelo. Such was the noise generated by these statements that García preferred not to be splashed by that scandal, with which he had nothing to do, and put a brake on his relationship with Guillermina. First of all, the low profile.

The relationship between Guillermina Valdés and Javier García did not prosper. (Photo: Instagram / guillevaldes1)

The strange version of Gullemina Valdés about her relationship with Javier García

Last Tuesday, Guillermina Valdes broke the silence after being linked to Javier García, the goalkeeper of Boca Juniors. When approached by a chronicler of Intruders (America)the actress He explained that he was not in a relationship with the footballer.

Guillermina Valdes assured that she is not dating. (Photo: Twitter/guillevaldes)

“No, I’m not in a relationship. I saw it once”, he assured when the journalist asked him about his current sentimental situation. After being asked why they had met the athlete, he was blunt: “we wanted to meetlike any person who wants to meet someone… do you know what it is to see a person once and let them take pictures of you?”.

Although the notero insisted to know a little more about what had happened between the artist and García, she He avoided giving more details about what happened. Also dodged questions related to Cande Tinelliwith whom they exchanged several hints on social networks during the last week.


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