Javier Barrios, in the national sub-19 master’s degree in Tordesillas

Javier Barrios will be the representative of the Soria-CS24 Badminton Club within the framework of the Tordesillas U19 National Master. Being the current sub-champion of Spain sub17, Javier combines, during this season, the partitions of him in the National Masters of his category, with territorial tests of absolute category, as well as the dispute of the National League of clubs where he is becoming a fundamental bulwark for his team.

Thanks to the fact that he made small inroads into the category last season, the good results obtained have allowed him to start as seed number nine in the singles draw. He will also play the mixed double modality with Elena Dueñas from Burgosstarting as the fourth favorites.

being his first season in the categoryJavier’s aspirations must go through the group stage and approach the medal rounds


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