“It’s great to be with this team”


With a fluent Spanish and with the intention of giving everything for the colors of the Selection of Honduras, Valerio Marinaccisoccer player Cosenza of the Serie B of Italygave his assessments after the triumph of the Bicolor ante Dominican Republic.

The polyfunctional player on the left spoke to the press at the José Rafael Ferrari High Performance Center, where he revealed how he felt playing in Catracho territory.

He also left a message to the Honduran people, his main objective regarding the World Cup in Indonesia, whether or not he has the Honduran passport in hand and his departure from Lazio in Serie A in Italy.

– Press conference –

How do you feel?

I’m fine, it’s great to be with this team

How was the experience?

Very good, it’s the first time I come to Honduras, very good.

What does it mean to you to wear the colors of Honduras?

It is very proud for me, for my grandmother and I am very happy to be here.

In the soccer part, how did you feel?

I’m fine, I’m adjusting to the weather and time changes, but it’s fine.

A message to the Honduran people?

I am very happy to be here, let’s go Honduras in the World Cup.

Do you already have the Honduran passport?

We are still working on it.

Would you like to be in the World Cup?

Of course.

Is your transfer from Lazio to Cosenza final?

It is definitive, for one year with the option of another one.

You can see: Valerio Marinacci, a player from América de México and another from Inter Miami, the news in the Sub 20 of Honduras

How do you see yourself in Italy in the football part?

Very calm, I’m very well, I work at Cosenza, a new club, very happy.

How was your relationship with your fellow catrachos?

It is the first game, it is normal that there is confusion.


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