Insults against the President of the Argentine Basketball Confederation for the present of discipline

Insults against the President of the Argentine Basketball Confederation for the present of discipline

Basketball hit bottom in Argentina and must be reformulated if it intends to return to glorious times, not so far away.

The gradual withdrawal of the members of the ‘Golden Generation’ and an ineffective administration by the Argentine Confederation headed by Fabián Borro triggered the non-classification to the World Cup of the discipline to be held in the Philippines in the second half of the year.

The anger over the bad sporting moment and Borro’s management automatically moved to the stands of the different stages where the National League returned this week after the stoppage precisely because of the qualifying window that the team played in Mar del Plata and the aggravating chants They targeted the top leader of the CABB directly.

At the Luis Conde stadium, better known as ‘La Bombonerita’, supporters of ‘Xeneize’ were clear in their message: “I delete son of a bitch, the bitch that gave birth to you.”

The scene was repeated several times, especially in the second half of the match and forced the referees to stop the match that was being played against Obras.


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