Iker Jiménez, on inclusive language: “It is absurd to assign all this battle that is of another type to words”

  • Iker Jiménez has dedicated his ‘Closure’ to talking about inclusive language

  • Iker makes his position clear: “All this has little to do with the structure of language”

  • ”I have nothing against or in favor of it, but there are things that grate on me”

One more week, Iker Jiménez ends the program with ‘El cierre’. On this occasion, the presenter wanted to emphasize the theme of the inclusive language and what its implementation means to him today.

‘’I have nothing against or in favor of it, but what does bother me is when there are people I know who don’t believe it and say it and force. What we have said many times, as if I say: ‘welcome to the mystery ship, welcome to the mystery ship, welcome to the mystery ship.’ That is called duplication (…) When I say welcome it is everyone”.

According to Iker, there is a big problem with this language.: ”The problem is that they have told us that the masculine generic of our language, which is something that was invented yesterday, that it is patriarchal, sexist or exclusive (…) There are expert female philologists and linguists who do not speak to you about the feminine language because they know what the language is, you will not come to them with stories of machismo because their structure is the language, which is something else (…).

The presenter throws a question to all viewers: ”Can you delete the masculine gender or the words that integrate us all? I don’t know if any woman can really feel betrayed, I mean it from the bottom of my heart, I don’t know. The language tools will tell me, ‘it’s that everything evolves’, but does it evolve because it has to evolve or does it evolve because of the fear that whoever says it will be beaten up?”.

has explained that it seems absurd to him to say citizens, since for him the word citizens encompasses everyone. In his opinion, inclusive language would only be used for benevolent issues.

”All of this has little to do with the structure of language, which is something that has been around for centuries and that, of course, can evolve, but attributing to words our purely sociological issues, I don’t know, then we could divide everything type of words assigning things to them, when language is long before us and will be after we are not here (…)”

Lanza a very important question for him: Do they really feel when I say friends, do they think that I only talk about friends, that it only goes to the masculine?”.

”This is machismo, feminism…Why do you use these terms? They are aberrations of language, that is to say, something as sacred as our structure, our language and our writing is used to throw, as always, the sticks at each other”.

Iker He wanted to make a final reflection on what the use of this language means to him: ”In the end, language is marvelous and it tells us things, the day there is true equality, which surely in many terms still does not exist, the day there is true total equality, perhaps language will go into the background, because it is absurd to assign to words all this battle that is of another type.


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