I am a fan grandmother and I say thank you to the Napoli players. For the game and for what they endure in stadiums

by Fulvia Stellato

I am writing to you in the hope that you may be right sounding board to get this message to the recipients. I am a “true” Neapolitan, in love with my city at 360 degrees. I am sailing (alas!) towards the age of 65 and, at the age of 12, in a moment of great difficulty (I had just lost my father) I had the good fortune to see the historic game Italia Vs Germania4 a 3.

Thus began my great love for the soccer and, of course, for our city’s team: the Napoli. “Cross and delight”, “handsome of fame and misfortune”, like Foscolo’s Ulysses, the football team that occupies so much in the hearts of all Neapolitan fans. This year the gioia it seems to never end even if, in the early days, I was there very much on the “who lives” waiting for the moment of disillusionment: it has happened too many times in the past!

But looking at how these guys know how to play, how they express themselves on the pitch, the joy is filled with emotion. Don’t think it’s exaggerated: I’m an all-round art lover and like the Requiem by Mozart takes my heart, so it happens when I see ours play dream team: I don’t see null goals given for good, sacrosanct penalties denied or non-existent granted, skimpy or undeserved victories. I see choral gamemutual collaboration and respect, brilliant tactics together with incredible plays of fantastic soloists and lots of fun and desire to play football. Strength and beauty. The great beauty.

For this I do not understand that 600 tedeschi (they tell me together with some so-called Italian) they came here just to put a iron and fire a city. What was on his mind? The German people are brought to us as an example of civilization at every turn: what triggered one in them defeat so clear and unequivocal? The great Eduardo used to say: “I’m scared of the sule ‘o fesso!” to which I would add: “Those foreigners and those of the place” because, often, nonsense is accompanied by an inclination to violence. It wasn’t really acceptable to have lost against Napoli.

Dearest Spalletti and players of our team, I’m a fan grandmother and I wish thank you for what you are doing and how you are doing it. This team is so big, that even the very few defeats they seem nothing more than very small defects which, instead of diminishing it, increase the charm of a beautiful woman.

I’m so sorry for what you’re going through stadiums of our dearest “brothers of Italy”: the banners, the choirs and the rest. None of you are Neapolitan, but you are forced to swallow the same medicine that has been served up to us for a long time: by now we are used to it also because, if you throw mud on people, you are the first to get your hands dirty. And that’s what they do: they sully themselves and their cities.

Thank you. So and if it really will come to coveted goaleven if no longer in health and with awkward movements, I too will be there to celebrate on the street with my three-year-old Neapolitan niece convinced that Osi send her a kiss after every goal and the three London grandchildren, die-hard Napoli fans like my daughter. Where I come from there has been, for centuries, an affectionate greeting for loved ones and I address it to you, with all my heart: ‘The Madonna accompanies you!’.


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