Here comes the Operator course in Outdoor Education, it starts on March 13th

The OPES Outdoor Education Operator is an associative “multitasking” figure capable of managing, proposing and expanding the proposal of summer camps, guided tours, school activities, tourist resorts, outdoor centers and adventure parks in collaboration with external associations or of which is part or simply a figure who wants to expand his knowledge about the real outdoors not necessarily conceived as a sporting discipline. The topics covered during the teaching hours can also be a completion of the training and offers by Naturalistic Guides. The course is also training for all those who want to have a multidisciplinary base of support for trips around the world that they want to undertake in a “wild” style or independently.


Duration: 48 hours

Start: Friday evening to Sunday evening

Participants: from 7 to 15 (minimum of participants for the activation of the course 7)

Course materials: provided by the organization

Meals: all at the expense of the participants

Accommodation: in the yurt of the national training base camp

Available dates: 13/14 March 2023

Individual participation fee: 170 euros (including materials, technical equipment, insurance coverage, an Outdoor Opes instructor, teaching notes, certificate of participation)

Most of the materials used can be redeemed at the end of the course or rented for the spring-summer season. Logically, in addition to training, the necessary imprint will also be given in the course to address the same activities to an audience of families, adults and children.


– Instinctive archery

– Knowledge of knots

– Night and day orientation and use of the compass

– Primitive and non-primitive fire lighting techniques and methods

– Construction of shelters and huts

– Processing of the clay and its firing in a pit furnace

– Processing and chipping of flint for the production of lithic tools

– The backpack of the naturalist / operator in outdoor education and the emergency backpack

– Use of field, biological, magnifying and binocular microscopes

– The knife and its use in the woods and for carving

– Pathways and sensory methodologies

Participants must have a notebook / notebook for written notes, complete with pen and pencil, as well as digital recording media. Handouts in pdf will be sent upon completion of the course. The clothing and equipment required must be the same as for an excursion in the woods for two days, complete with sleeping bag, cooking equipment, change of linen, torch for night activities, mat, power bank (electricity is not present at the base camp).



18.00 Welcome/presentation

18.30 Terminology and meanings of the concept of Outdoor Education and communication

19.30 Basic fire lighting techniques aimed at dinner and cooking food

21.00 Dinner with cooking food on the fire and naturalistic animation techniques

22.00 Nocturnal orientation, recognition of stars and basic constellations

23.00 Moment of verification of the activities carried out – Feedback and closure


9.00 Archery, models, techniques, history and practice in the field

11.00 Clay processing workshop and teaching of the same

12.00 Techniques for chipping flint and glass

13.00 Simulation of archaeological excavation and census of pieces found

14.00 Packed lunch by the participants

15.00 The bushcraft/survival knife, techniques, use and models

16.00 Assembly and use of field microscopes, magnifying glasses, use of cards

17.00 Emergency shelter construction techniques and knowledge of basic nodes

19.00 Fire lighting techniques and preparation of the clay furnace

20.30 Dinner cooked by the participants on individual fires lit by them

22.00 Activation of the furnace for firing the objects produced during the course

23.00 Single tests and for orientation groups with and without compass

24.00 Traffic lights


9.00 The backpack of the Naturalist, the bushman and the backpack of Otzi

10.00 Animation activities living history and historical setting

11.00 Sensory paths, techniques and methodologies

13.00 Cold lunch by the participants

14.00 Verification of the activities carried out and any requests from the participants for further information (for those who wish to pass the exam of Outdoor Education Opes Italia operator, 4 random activities will be offered at verification time, otherwise only the certificate of participation in the course will be delivered)

17.00 Closing of the course, delivery of certificates of participation


The course is first level and is aimed at training operators in Outdoor Education for leisure time and for Living History activities organized by the National Outdoor Sector of Opes Italia. The certificate issued following the course is a certificate of participation and attendance with number of hours. The figure of the 1st level Outdoor Education Operator following this course is valid only and exclusively within an association, it is not a professional training title but allows the activities learned to be provided to groups, children, schools only within within associative areas. To make the Opes Italia title of Operator in Outdoor Education valid and official, which can also be transported to other federations or sports promotion bodies with similar outdoor sectors, it is necessary to pass a final timed test on 4 random “skills” chosen by the manager of the course that can be practical, oral or mixed. Following the passing of the final test, the participant will be able to ask at this point to be registered in the official register of the week. nat. Outdoor of Opes Italia as an Outdoor Education Operator as described in the following paragraphs. In order to have complete operation and official recognition to carry out the activities, the Operator must be a member of an Association affiliated to the Outdoor Opes Italia sector or to the national one.


OPES, in relation to the registration procedure in the National Register of Amateur Sports Associations and Societies, recalls that registration is essential for all ASDs who want to be recognized as such, who want to take advantage of the tax breaks provided for by current legislation and access the contributions of Regions, Provinces, Municipalities and CONI. It is also mandatory that the statutes, in addition to the requisites required by art. 90 of Law 27/12/2002 n. 289 and subsequent amendments, are compliant with the CONI and OPES directives. As previously underlined, OPES uses a computerized procedure for registration in the register, allowing the registration of the club in real time provided that it has at least three members. However, it is important to remember that CONI automatically sends an email containing the identification login consisting of login and password to the email address associated with the company, which allows access to the Registry program for printing the registration certificate. .


Affiliation plus registration in the Register to be paid to the National OPES for each Association of € 20.00.

€ 80 per affiliation + RC coverage formula A

€100 per affiliation + Integral RC coverage B.


CARD type A – they will cost €4 each.

CARD type B – they will cost €6.00 ​​each.

GOLD CARD – the cost will be €15.00 each.

GROUP “A”: Members/Athletes – Coaches – Managers – Central Managers holders of card “A”, during the practice of any activity carried out under the aegis of the Contractor, except as provided by the article Exclusions.

GROUP “B”: Members/Athletes – Coaches – Executives – Central Executives holders of “B” card, during the practice of any activity carried out under the aegis of the Contractor, except as provided for in the Exclusions article.

“GOLD” GROUP: Members/Athletes – Coaches – Executives – Central Executives holders of “C” card, during the practice of any activity carried out under the aegis of the Contractor, except as provided for in the Exclusions article.


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